Signs of Speech, Language or Communication Difficulties

Written Language/Literacy

Speech pathologists target literacy skills such as understanding letters, sounds, and spelling rules. We also help improve written language including paragraph and essay writing, reading comprehension and problem solving skills.

Students who would benefit from speech pathology may:

  • skip over words when reading

  • guess words from the first sound

  • reverse letters when writing

  • answer reading comprehension questions based on pictures or their own knowledge rather than the text

Expressive Language

Expressive language is the use of words to construct sentences. Children may find it challenging to:

  • explain ideas

  • ask and answer questions

  • ask for help

  • tell stories

  • initiate and maintain conversations with peers

Receptive Language

Receptive language is being able to understand instructions, explanations and questions. Children may find it challenging to:

  • follow multi-step instructions

  • understand concepts (before/after, more/less)

  • work independently in class

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